Market surveys
The MPR Publishing House Ltd. team offers deep market analysis referring to the Polish fish and seafood market, particularly in the fields of:
- customer preferences (we work with PBS-DGA in Sopot, AC Nielsen in Warsaw and GfK Polonia in Warsaw),
- fishery product retail sales (retail chains and in fish shops),
- foreign trade involving fish and fishery products.
Our greatest achievements:
- 1997 ‒ a survey for the National Marine Fisheries Research Institute in Gdynia,
- 2006 and 2011 ‒ a study of market reports for the Fish Market Development Association;
- participating in projects on fish promotion strategy (Fish Promotion Society/Fish Promotion Fund) and trout promotion strategy (Polish Trout Breeders Association);
- preparing a report on opportunities for development of the seabass, gilt-head bream and trout market development in Poland (for a Spanish contractor);
- preparing a report concerning the pelagic fish market (for an institute in the USA);
- Expert counselling in a team preparing the European Market Observatory for Fisheries and Aquaculture Products concept (European Commission);
- Expert counselling for EUROFISH, COGEA and Ernst & Young (fishery market in Poland, inland fishery, FIFG evaluation).
If you are interested in market research, please contact our editor-in-chief, Tomasz Kulikowski (